Thursday, February 4, 2016

Here we go!

Dia Dhuit! Hello!

This week has been a whirlwind. Friday night was my last night at home. One of my best friends, Rachel, came over to spend my last night with me in Dodge. I don’t know how I would have made it under 50lbs without her (Thanks Pootsie!). My mom made me my favorite meal, we packed, and we went to bed too late. Saturday morning rolled around and we made it out of the door on time. It was a good thing because when I got out of the car to go into Walmart, I dropped my money bag on accident. Whoops. God bless the good soul who turned it into customer service and God bless my Uncle David who met us half way from the airport to get it to me. I made it to the airport, checked my bag, hugged Chase, Rachel, my dad, and my mom last. I waved goodbye for the last time after I made it through TSA and waited with the 2016 Ireland group until our flight.
The first plane was somewhat small, but the flight was quick. I actually took about an hour nap, and I’m glad I did. I didn’t get a wink of sleep from Newark to Shannon. The layover in Newark was probably the worst part about the entire trip. I was so anxious and excited to get here that time seemed to stand still. But, we all got on the plane and away we were. I watched a few movies, The Martian and Titanic, and that kept me busy most of the flight. My row wasn’t full so the other girl and I kept our things in the middle seat so we both had plenty of room. By the time I got off of the plane, I was exhausted. We landed at 6:30am and I snoozed a little bit on the bus ride to our cottages.
I have two cottagemates, Kendra and Regan, so we all have our own rooms. We unpacked right away, and went to eat the meal that was prepared for us. I actually really like  (most of) the food. I’ll be looking into finding some of the recipes for the soups that I’ve tried. Class so far has been good. I’ve leaned some Irish, not that I’m very good at it, but I’m trying. And we met our Irish Lit professor today. I’m more than a little excited for his class, but that would be the English major in me. Yesterday, we went into Spiddal; it was the longest two mile walk of my life. The wind was insane. I wouldn’t doubt that there were 50mph gusts. After our short tour, the group landed in a pub. I had my first pint of Guinness, a shot of Jameson, and a few other Irish craft beers. The walk home was much nicer simply because the wind was at my back.

The next day, the group hopped on a bus and headed into Galway. There we toured the city and learned about it’s history. Plus we did some grocery shopping which was much needed. They don’t have grape jelly here (Mom, wanna send me some?).  I haven’t had any Mexican food since my arrival and that has probably been the hardest adjustment to be completely honest. I’m working on that though; hopefully I’ll find something relatively good relatively soon. Tonight I will head into Spiddal and tomorrow I’ll be headed into Galway and I’ll be staying at a hostel for the first time in my life. Exciting things are happening, people!

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